Summer Bouquet


Bright, Floral, Cheery

Summer Bouquet embodies the essence of sunshine through comforting florals and sweet mint. Like warm rays from above these herbs caress the soul inspiring peace.

Cheerful and sweet this blend is a lovely pick-me-up and helps to remind the spirit to be light and joyous.

Ingredients: Rose Petal, Chamomile, Lavender, Spearmint

50g Pouch

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Bright, Floral, Cheery

Summer Bouquet embodies the essence of sunshine through comforting florals and sweet mint. Like warm rays from above these herbs caress the soul inspiring peace.

Cheerful and sweet this blend is a lovely pick-me-up and helps to remind the spirit to be light and joyous.

Ingredients: Rose Petal, Chamomile, Lavender, Spearmint

50g Pouch

Bright, Floral, Cheery

Summer Bouquet embodies the essence of sunshine through comforting florals and sweet mint. Like warm rays from above these herbs caress the soul inspiring peace.

Cheerful and sweet this blend is a lovely pick-me-up and helps to remind the spirit to be light and joyous.

Ingredients: Rose Petal, Chamomile, Lavender, Spearmint

50g Pouch